Zuppa Irlandese – An Irish laughter will save the world

FRANCESCA LOZITO is a journalist and teacher. Francesca graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna, specializing in journalism, since a year ago as a teacher. She has written reportage from Ireland for La Stampa, Avvenire, Donna Moderna.

Ireland has been her second home for many years. In her reportage from Ireland, she tells Italians about culture, music, history and current affairs. In fact, she writes about Ireland in Italian, by his choice.

PH Robert Carroll

“I believe that Italy and Ireland have many things in common: the love for music, for literature, many authors such as James Joyce or Seamus Heaney have had long experiences or contacts with Italy. And then there is the passion for the Italian cuisine that has always united us! ”

According to Francesca, today in Italy we need to talk more about Ireland: “It makes no sense that the news about Ireland that arrives in Italy are written from London. Unfortunately, this often happens. I think it is much better to work on some topics in a targeted way for some weeks and then write about them “.

Also for this reason, despite the fact that Francesca has been missing from Ireland due to the Pandemic since February 2020, she put the zuppairlandese.com website online.

“This is – she explains – the continuation of my periodic newsletter project that I started in 2018 after following the campaign for Repeal the Eight”.

In Zuppairlandese, which is a very free translation of Irish Stew, you can find weekly news about Ireland, from current events to curiosities.

“Precisely for my new job as a teacher I would like the students to become passionate about Ireland, for instance starting to listen to music”.

Live streaming will then continue on the Zuppairlandese Facebook page.



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