GIUSEPPE JEPIS RIVELLO is 32 years old and has a degree in communication. He lives with his family in the lovely village Caselle in Pittari, in Cilento, an area in Southern Italy.
There he opened “Jepis Bottega”, a place where he creates innovative contents for cultural and social projects, where he imagines new scenarios and tells the courage and tenacity of small businesses.
He relates stories of men and women who change the world through their daily work; he connects their stories with other stories.
Jepis is a trainer for projects linked to business ideas and communication strategies. He is also involved in the creation of multimedia content.
He makes short movies, about social and cultural innovation, on the website “Nòva”, which belongs to the renowned Italian newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”. His column is named “Storie di Bottega”.
With Vincenzo Moretti, Jepis is the author of the book “Parole Forgiate”.
“Storie di Bottega” – Nòva Website
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